Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Long Sleeve Day

I left the house this morning,
And felt a little chilled.
Remembering this summer,
Believe me, I was thrilled.

But still, after a block or two,
I was a bit distressed
‘Cause in my skirt and t-shirt,
I was slightly underdressed.

It still is summer, after all,
And so I did believe
That I’d be fine out in the street
Without a longer sleeve.

I swore I’d not complain a bit
Once all that heat had passed,
And I was happy to be cold
And hope that it will last.

Yet still, I shouldn’t walk around
With arms goose-bumped and bare,
Not when my drawers are bursting with
Long sleeves for me to wear.

And so I went back home and changed
Without too much delay,
Delighted to attire myself
For this, a long sleeve day.


  1. Awesome, lovely sentiment considering our weather too! We now have yellow on all the aspens around our house, and I'm wearing jeans on a regular basis - a nice change after not even seeing them for months! I, I am so happy to have received this in my 'inbox'! Now I won't miss a one - thank you!

  2. thanks, sharon! i finally figured out how to have my posts automatically sent via email and you're the first to respond. i appreciate your comments and am thrilled that you're reading my poems! enjoy the yellow surrounding you!
