Monday, September 13, 2010


I often wake at 2 AM
And can’t get back to sleep,
For anxious thoughts are in pursuit
Of cracks in which to seep.

They hover near my bed
With their intentions very plain:
Wait until I’m half-awake,
Then dive into my brain.

As soon as they have found their mark,
They torture, taunt and tease.
Nothing I can do can drive them off
Or else appease.

I try to think of pleasant things;
I hum words to a song.
I count or chant a mantra
But these tricks do not last long.

I listen to my husband’s breath,
Such rhythmic puffs of air.
I envy him such soothing sleep
But think it’s so unfair.

I know that in the scheme of things
My woes could be much worse.
Conjuring such images
Helps make my thoughts disperse.

But often it takes hours
So when waking with the light,
I groggily arise, exhausted
From my sleepless night.

If you don’t have such demons lurking
And concocting schemes,
Appreciate your rest – to some
It’s harder than it seems.

1 comment:

  1. Could it be hormones? I sometimes wonder in the early morning hours? Maybe we should get on-line and have a little chat now and then... :-))
