Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Lunching With a Lawyer

If you arrange to have a meal
With someone who’s a lawyer,
Be prepared to lose him
When he’s paged by his employer.

It’s no longer a surprise;
It’s just a fact of life.
The Blackberry is more important
Than the fork or knife.

I feel extremely lucky if
Our order has arrived;
At least the lawyer gets to see
Of what he’s been deprived.

Perhaps he’ll wolf down several bites
Before he has to scurry;
But since his boss has summoned him,
He really has to hurry.

I’m not insulted ‘cause I know
He’d really like to linger.
It was a celebration meal –
That really was the zinger.

But still, we got to spend some time
And have a birthday toast;
And really, in the scheme of things,
We’re luckier than most.

But should you plan an outing
For a meal with an attorney,
Don’t be disappointed if
It’s halted in mid-journey.

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