Saturday, June 12, 2010

In the Audience

The eager performers, so prepped and so primed,
Burst onto the stage with delight;
And we, in the audience, smile and applaud,
For we know what went into this night:

A year’s worth of practicing, every week,
To learn all the songs and routines;
The patient cajoling of teachers and staff,
So all get to shine in their scenes.

With programs in hand, we clap and we cheer.
We notice the flow, not the flaws;
And after each number, you sense the surprise
In the spirited, fiery applause.

The players are poised with their costumes and props;
They’ve mastered enough of their moves.
The crowd’s so supportive it all looks like gold;
The actors are all in their grooves.

My daughter is one of them. I can’t describe
How it feels to watch her on the stage.
All her struggles and battles and challenges gone –
An observer could never quite gauge.

But tonight they’ve been vanquished – she’s beaming, aglow;
She’s a star and I’m bursting with pride,
For when she starts to sing the whole world gets to hear
Every drop she has locked up inside.

What a magical night! I was happy to share
In the joy of each one of the cast;
And I’m grateful that memory gives me the chance
To relive an event unsurpassed.

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