Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Craft Fairs

At a craft fair, in the stalls,
Folks display their wares;
Hoping that a customer
And sale will soon be theirs.

Jewelry and pottery
And scarves made out of silk
Are laid out creatively
With objects of their ilk.

Most are lovely, special, rare,
Utterly unique;
And the artisans await
Acknowledgement they seek.

“Here I am – here’s what I do!”
Their products help beseech.
“Do you like me? Am I good?”
I hear their silent speech.

Such naked yearning gets to me;
It seems a bit unsettling,
And so I always compliment
Whatever they are peddling.

So much of it is beautiful
But even if I hate it,
I feel the maker’s need to please
And I won’t devastate it.

So I peruse, appraise, inspect –
I compliment and smile;
And after it’s appropriate,
I mosey down the aisle.

Sometimes I do buy a piece,
For me or for a gift,
And I can tell my purchase
Really gives a needed lift.

I do admire artists -
They create to self-fulfill;
But someone who appreciates their work
Gives them a thrill.

It’s really human nature
That most people will construe:
If someone likes the job you do,
They probably like you, too!

So next time at a craft fair,
Take your time at each design,
And realize that much more
Than jewelry is on the line.

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