Thursday, December 17, 2009

Chanukah Candles

On Chanukah evenings, my brothers and I
Would make bets on which candle would last.
As gambling goes, the sheer pleasure of that
To this day still remains unsurpassed.

I sit here tonight, miles away from my sibs,
And stare at the flickering flames;
I’m rooting for candle 5, just in my mind;
There’s no one to honor my claims.

My husband won’t join me – he can’t understand
How this magical moment of truth
Can carry me back through the years that have passed
And return me to days of my youth.

So come on, candle 5, you can do it, I’m sure –
Don’t surrender or give up the fight;
I’ll be disappointed if you fizzle out,
But the memories fill me with delight.


  1. Love it! Just two nights ago Burt was 'betting' Max which candle would burn the longest! We will have him read this when we get home tonight. Tonight, 'last night' we will be up in Gold Hill, with maybe 15 others lighting the candles and having a potluck. Hope your Hanukkah was/is wonderful...

  2. i surely remember the long gone december of candles and betting and loss
    when we'd fight over wicks and choose our best picks and finally knows which was the boss!
