Friday, November 20, 2009


Didja ever go out to a restaurant
And eat more than you should?
If so, you know just how I feel:
Stuffed, and not too good.

Could not resist the nachos,
Ate more than twice my share;
The margarita went down smooth –
I didn’t even care.

The quesadilla melted
Like queso in the sun.
I gobbled it and with each bite,
I’d only just begun.

Fajitas followed quickly;
They sizzled and they sputtered.
The meat wrapped in tortillas –
My stomach getting cluttered.

The meal was sadly finished,
But not, alas, complete;
For when I got home I did crave
A taste of something sweet.

So even though I barely
Could sustain another bite,
I scarfed a mini-Almond Joy,
A Halloween delight.

And now I pay the piper:
My jeans I must unzip;
But now that I am comfortable,
Please pass me one last chip!

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