Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Collective Nouns

A group of fish is called a school.
A bunch of whales, a pod;
And crows comprise a murder,
Which I’ve always thought was odd.

Many goats become a tribe;
Lots of apes: a troop.
Hares: a warren; chicks: a clutch
And geese: a flock, not group.

Squirrels form a scurry;
Antelopes create a herd.
Platypuses make a puddle,
Which just sounds absurd.

Bats, a colony do make;
Butterflies, a flight.
Oysters congregate in beds;
For hamsters, horde is right.

Collective nouns are lots of fun.
Let’s bring this lesson home:
Many rhyming lines like this
Combine to form a poem!

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