Wednesday, July 10, 2024

To the Rescue

Connecting flight canceled -

What are we to do?

Rebooked - 10 hours waiting 

Instead of just 2.

While I wasted time

On the plane with our tour,

My husband found someone

(He’s hard to ignore)

Who then came to our rescue 

And found us a flight

Very close to our first one

To make things all right.

An Air France employee

Named Cheftzi,* she knew

How to briskly take charge

And to calm us down, too.

She did what she did

With her own special style 

And as proof of her power,

She got me to smile.

So thank you, dear Cheftzi!

I was a bit crazed

But by working some magic,

My spirits were raised.

*pronounced Hefty

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