Monday, July 8, 2024

Engagement Pics

Sometimes on my morning walk,

When no one is around,

I’ll pass by a photographer

And know that I am bound


To see a dressed-up couple,

Posed and smiling, thinking of

The lovely pics to show to all

To prove their new-found love.


With the river in the background,

It’s a lovely urban scene,

But today had something added,

Not the usual routine.


For the couple was instructed

To run straight, as they did do,

To the spot upon the promenade

Where pigeons strut and coo.


The startled birds all lifted up

And circled in the air

As the camera person snapped away,

The pigeons everywhere.


The happy couple laughed,

Then all the birds flew down to roost,

For some New York flair into those pics

They’d surely introduced.

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