Saturday, July 6, 2024

Stepping Out

It’s easy sticking to routines,

Though some might find it boring,

Yet out beyond your comfort zone

Are risks not worth ignoring.


Away from home, your bed and bath,

Especially untested,

Might make you worry that you won’t,

When morning comes, feel rested.


And all the unfamiliar foods,

So different and appealing,

May be too tempting to resist

And leave your stomach reeling.


And even if you do your best

To get your things together

And pack your suitcase carefully,

There could be freaky weather.


Another possibility

Is illness when you travel

And being sick away can cause

Your spirits to unravel.


I get why people never leave

Routines which keep them going,

But sometimes stepping out may tap

A part of you worth knowing.

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