Thursday, July 4, 2024

On the 4th

Went for a hike at a nature preserve 

And followed the trail with each lake-hugging curve.

The sun dappled through as it lit up the trees

As we stepped over roots, not once skinning our knees.

We stopped at the Center as we headed out

And met Tin Tin the tortoise, who ambled about.

Then we headed to Ralph’s for some ices to eat;

With so many cool flavors, it sure was a treat.

Though I know it’s the 4th, I don’t need a parade 

Or a barbecue chef with the burgers he’s made

Or the fireworks I’ll be too tired to see

To know this was a day close to perfect for me.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

In a Plaza

I’m sitting in a plaza as

I’m waiting for a friend.

There’s a bench and breeze, both things

On which you never can depend.


I’ve got the time and also have

My pencil and my pad,

So getting here this early wasn’t

Really all that bad.


I hardly get to see this friend

So this is such a treat.

We’re seeing different plays, but still

At least we’ll get to meet.


A little conversation then

A very welcome hug,

Which is better for my soul

Than any therapy or drug.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024


I so admire Sonia*;

She brings honor to the Court,

Especially when rules of law

Her colleagues try to thwart.


In a blistering dissent, she wrote

This ruling now will bring

So much power to a president,

He might as well be king.


Since the founding of our country,

No one’s been above the law,

Yet 6 justices decided

A new plan they’d like to draw.


Sonia “fears for our democracy,”

She said in her dissent

And for 29 sharp pages,

She explained just what she meant.


Oh, I’m fearful for the future

When a candidate and Court

Can take well-established rules and facts

And twist them to distort.


*Sonia Sotomayor, a Supreme Court justice

Monday, July 1, 2024

When Someone Lies

When someone lies and does it well,

It makes it very hard to tell

That in his head, the truth must dwell,

Though very deeply hidden.


The stories that he tries to sell,

Repeated like a broken bell,

Affect some people like a spell,

Disturbing and forbidden.


If numbers of his fans do swell

And his supporters start to kvell*,

Then we’re all going straight to hell,

Our virtue overridden.


*burst with pride and joy