Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Hurricane

The hurricane has come and gone
And how you fared depended
On where you live or where you were
When Irene’s wrath descended.

If you reside or had been staying
On or near the ocean,
You might have been amazed to see
The sea in roiling motion.

Its crashing waves might possibly
Have damaged your foundation,
Or caused a flood or knocked down trees
Or worse, a combination.

Many people watched in dread,
Preparing by the hour;
But all their caution was in vain
Because they still lost power.

I walked the neighborhood today –
Saw branches strewn around;
And several trees were sliced in half,
Their trunks splayed on the ground.

The promenade was filled with people
Out to check the scene.
It added something spicy
To their usual routine.

With stores and restaurants mostly closed
And nothing status quo,
They strolled along the river’s edge
With no place else to go.

The hurricane is over now,
Its havoc left behind;
And whether we were spared or not,
We have an ax to grind.

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