Friday, June 30, 2023

Fires Up in Canada

Fires up in Canada

Have forced my plans to change.

It’s really most annoying

But it’s also rather strange.

It proves that we’re connected 

In some ways we may not like

And there’s no way to prepare

For when more bad effects will strike.

I would have thought that distance

From the blazes raging there

Would have saved us here from breathing

That unwelcome awful air.

But that thinking doesn’t follow

Since, much more than I’d expected,

The world is shrinking and, for good or bad,

We’re all connected.

1 comment:

  1. for some it takes a terrible event to realize we're all connected. for others it might take one hit of lsd to realize this, for some it might take a lifetime of spiritual study. or meditation. and for others (most?) they never realize it at all. in judaism there is the concept of 'ehud' (one) so the sages knew it all along...
