Friday, June 21, 2024

The Wrong Story

At my grandson’s graduation,

(Onto middle school, he’ll go!)

An official told a story

I found not quite apropos.

‘Twas the ancient tale of Icarus,

Who flew, with wings of wax,

But, ignoring good advice,

He took his journey to the max.

Though his father gave a warning 

Not to fly too near the sun,

Icarus could not resist and soon

The melting had begun.

In his plummet to his death, perhaps

He pondered his mistake. 

“Listen to your elders” was one point

The speaker tried to make.

But he also warned the graduates

They shouldn’t reach too high,

Not a message for commencement.

(Plus, by doing so, you’ll die!)

Though I know it’s unrealistic 

That all future dreams come true, 

Still, to crush those possibilities

Was not the thing to do.

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