Sunday, June 30, 2024

I Finally Saw the Debate

I finally saw the debate,

My spirits prepared to deflate,

For I’d heard it was rough

(Lies are hard to rebuff)

But I needed to get it all straight.


I agree that Joe Biden looked weak

And he fumfers when trying to speak,

Yet the bully he faced

With his falsehoods disgraced

Every viewer while raising my pique.


Why Bash/Tapper allowed him to rant

While ignoring their questions, I grant

Made him look like a fool,

Though, despite ridicule,

To his fans it will not disenchant.


Both debaters most likely rehearsed

And in private, each other they’ve cursed.

Still, to watch made me mad

For, though one came off bad,

It’s the other I’m dreading the worst.

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