Saturday, February 27, 2021

Fact or Fiction

Why do I read only fiction

And my husband just reads non-?

Since so many fit this pattern,

To this puzzle I am drawn.


After many conversations

Asking people what they read,

Men like history or bios,

For the truth is what they need.


Women dive into a story

Where the characters seem real,

But the fact that they are not

Is what enhances the appeal.


Still, a book that is well-written,

Be it fictional or not,

Takes the reader on a journey

Via chronicle or plot.


But the female of the species

Goes on hoping and pretending

That the characters will flourish,

While the men all know the ending.

1 comment:

  1. not this male! i'll only read a fictional tale - even if a non is about our nation, gotta beware the generalization!
