Sunday, May 27, 2012

Wisdom of a Weed

A dandelion crossed the line,
Announcing, "I'm no weed!"
A snooty jonquil tsked, tut-tutting,
And replied, "Indeed!"

The daffodils began to laugh,
The tulips joined their mirth;
For all the flowers knew their place
While rooted in the earth.

The gentle daisy, wild herself,
Took dandelion aside;
"No matter what the others say,
Your charms can't be denied.

Your golden yellow adds a dash
Of color to a garden
And if some snub your presence,
Answer back, 'I beg your pardon.'

Just tell them that your greens are used
To make a tasty dish,
And children pick your fuzzy forms
And blow to make a wish."

The dandelion straightened up
And nodded with delight,
For even if she was a weed,
Well, that would be all right!


  1. i'm still waiting for your best-selling children's book...

  2. thank you! what a great compliment! maybe this could be a good starting point - a book from the perspective of various flowers...
