Monday, September 16, 2024

This Was My Cuz

A link to my past, going all the way back;

A solid support, one that never would crack.

A driver who loved going out for a ride.

Politically, one who kept feelings inside.

A soft-hearted viewer of Hallmark TV;

As loyal as Team USA fans could be.

A shopper of bargains and two-for-one sales.

A mixer of drinks and provider of ales.

An eater of snack foods, especially cheese.

A lover of laughter and shooting the breeze.

A bowler and one who played bingo and cards,

Who kept up with Facebook to send his regards.

A happy retiree down in the sun,

Enjoying the life leaving work had begun,

A life which was, much too soon, suddenly taken,

Leaving his people despondent and shaken.

Dear Cuz, you’ve been part of my life since your birth

And it’s hard to believe you’re no longer on earth.

Your unforeseen passing’s been tearful and tough,

But to say that I’ll miss you just isn’t enough.

For Bruce Jacobs (Aug. 19, 1950 - Sept. 15, 2024)

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