Friday, September 20, 2024

Someone’s Views

You cannot win an argument 

When someone’s views are set,

For aggravated or bewildered 

Is what you will get.

For most of us do not possess

A truly open mind,

So just as others dig their heels in,

You’ll respond in kind.

It’s rare to hear, “You might be right,”

Or “I see what you mean.”

Instead, whichever way we face,

That’s how much more we’ll lean.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

A Plane May Crash

A plane may crash,

A shark could bite

And Covid might be lurking.

A knife could slash

When out at night;

A subway could stop working.


A boat could sink,

A river flood,

An elevator trap you;

The booze you drink

May cause your blood

(If it’s been spiked) to zap you.


Yet if you live

Expecting these

And stay home as protection,

The vibes you give

Won’t ever please

And you will face rejection.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

The Portraits

At the museum, the portraits are hung

Of presidents, staring ahead,

A few of them still drawing breath, but by now,

Most have been, for a lot of years, dead.

Some I studied in school, some I knew not at all,

Others served while I have been alive

And the artists’ depictions were varied in style,

Though to capture the truth, they did strive.

In the midst of all men, just one woman appeared -

It was Eleanor Roosevelt, but why?

Not a president, true, though my fingers are crossed

She’ll have company yet, by and by.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Harvest Season

On the highway, there’s a sign

That’s flashing as we pass -

“It’s Harvest Season,” meaning we

Should ease up on the gas.

“Look out for farm machines,” it says,

Though driving on the road,

We’ve yet to see a tractor

Or a vehicle that’s slowed.

Since I live in Manhattan,

There is one thing that’s for sure -

Like the saying goes, I know

I’m not in Kansas anymore.

Monday, September 16, 2024

This Was My Cuz

A link to my past, going all the way back;

A solid support, one that never would crack.

A driver who loved going out for a ride.

Politically, one who kept feelings inside.

A soft-hearted viewer of Hallmark TV;

As loyal as Team USA fans could be.

A shopper of bargains and two-for-one sales.

A mixer of drinks and provider of ales.

An eater of snack foods, especially cheese.

A lover of laughter and shooting the breeze.

A bowler and one who played bingo and cards,

Who kept up with Facebook to send his regards.

A happy retiree down in the sun,

Enjoying the life leaving work had begun,

A life which was, much too soon, suddenly taken,

Leaving his people despondent and shaken.

Dear Cuz, you’ve been part of my life since your birth

And it’s hard to believe you’re no longer on earth.

Your unforeseen passing’s been tearful and tough,

But to say that I’ll miss you just isn’t enough.

For Bruce Jacobs (Aug. 19, 1950 - Sept. 15, 2024)

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Waiting and Worrying

My cousin never showed up

At a place he should have been.

His phone goes straight to voice mail;

No one knows where to begin.


He’s always been reliable

So this is not the norm.

My sister called the police to file

A missing person form.


We live in times where contact

Can be made in seconds flat.

When it isn’t, there’s not much

That we can do to alter that.


Thus we sit and wait and worry,

Just imagining the worst,

Hoping to be lifted from the thoughts

In which we’ve been immersed.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

The Day is Long

The sun is strong, the day is long

And as I sit here, thinking,

I wonder why, as time goes by,

My world just keeps on shrinking.


For as we age, at every stage,

We lose what keeps us going

Because our brain just can’t retain

New things we might be knowing.


Our skills may fade and friends we’ve made

May disappear completely,

Though some pretend we can transcend

And hide their fears discreetly.


Yet still we live and must forgive

Ourselves for what we’re lacking

And face each day in such a way

To send the doldrums packing.

Friday, September 13, 2024

The Thirteenth

If the thirteenth’s on Friday,

As it is today,

Don’t allow a black cat

To walk into your way.

Keep umbrellas shut tight

Until you are outside

And if ladders are near,

Caution must be applied.

Toss some salt past your shoulder,

But only the left

And if you break a mirror,

You should be bereft.

For this date is unlucky

To those who believe

In these strange superstitions

And the hype they receive.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Women's Voices

Certain U.S. politicians,

In particular, one man,

Make me angry, but at least

I don’t live in Afghanistan.


Women there are banned from schooling

And whenever they’re outside,

They must wear a full-length burqa

So their bodies they can hide.


In a new and worse restriction,

They are not allowed to speak,

For their voices heard in public

Would arouse their leader’s pique.


Under Taliban control, all females

Barely have a life,

With their only purpose being

As a mother or a wife.


Our Election Day is coming,

With a woman on the slate,

Yet for even basic freedoms,

Afghan women have to wait.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Last NIght's Debate

I stayed up to watch the debate,

Though for me it was on kinda late.

What I felt I did see,

Just between you and me,

Was a richly-deserved chief of state.


She was confident, cool and so smart

That she ripped her opponent apart.

As he blathered and sank

To his name-calling plank,

She made staying unruffled an art.


If the blowhard were still back in school,

He’d be forced to obey every rule,

But his bullying ways

Which, for some, is a phase,

Have instead turned him into a fool.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

A Jelly Apple

Today I had a jelly apple –

What a special treat!

My husband bought it just for me

‘Cause he is very sweet.


Atop the jelly, coconut

Was sprinkled, extra nice,

Although the jelly by itself

Would certainly suffice.


The coating on these store-bought types

Is gooey and real soft.

As kids, we would have tasted them

And laughed or even scoffed.


For in my youth, the jelly apple,

Sold in outdoor stands,

Would crackle when you took a bite

(To dentists’ reprimands).


Yet nowadays, I am content

To take what I can get

And my teeth are probably relieved;

My dentist need not fret!

Monday, September 9, 2024

Two Bumps on Logs

A seagull and anhinga sit

On logs next to the pier,

Perhaps preparing for a meal,

For fish are likely here.


They do a little grooming, but

They mostly seem to sit,

Though the anhinga opens up

His mouth a little bit.


As far as the anhinga goes,

I think that’s what it is.

My Google research said so;

I am not a birding whiz.


The seagull just flapped up and flew

And left his friend behind,

Although it doesn’t seem that the

Anhinga seems to mind.


It’s lovely sitting by the water,

Which a barge just churned

And, by the way, that seagull,

Just this minute, has returned.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Caught in the Rain

My water bottle holder

Has a pocket meant for keys

Or a tissue or some money

Or whatever else you please.


When I went out walking yesterday,

I thought I’d beat the rain,

But the sky grew dark and so my hopes

Went swirling down the drain.


My shirt and shorts and hat were soaked,

My sneakers still not dry,

Plus this morning I discovered

Something that had passed me by.


For within that little pocket

Were six singles, dampish still,

And a soggy pad for writing,

Which no pencil point could fill.


So I spread them out for drying,

Whey they did, in not much time,

Then replaced them for tomorrow,

Setting all of this in rhyme.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

At a Rock Climbing Party

At a rock climbing party,

It’s cool to observe

Both the kids who are cautious

And those who have nerve.


The daredevils clamber

To get to the top;

Neither ziplines nor tightropes

Will cause them to stop.


They tackle each challenge

With joy and with pluck

And they rarely require

Assistance when stuck.


The wary are watchful,

Proceeding with care

And feel better in knowing

A grown-up is there.


They’ll ascend partway up,

Harness keeping them bound

And then gently let go

‘Til their feet touch the ground.


As a kid, I was prudent

And nowadays I’m,

With a harness or not,

Still unlikely to climb.   

Friday, September 6, 2024

The Wrong Notes

An orchestra in Melbourne

Is embroiled in a dispute 

With a concert pianist who had

A horn he had to toot.

He told the audience he’d play,

Not Mozart, as was planned,

But new music as a tribute 

And he hoped they’d understand.

His friend composed the piece to honor

Journalists who’d died

In Gaza and his thoughts about

The war he could not hide,

Putting all the blame on Israel.

He can feel that way, of course,

But a concert’s not the venue

To trap listeners by force.

There were repercussions, naturally,

And lawyers are involved,

But no matter what the outcome,

What should clearly be resolved 

Is that concerts are for music 

And, with classics in demand,

All political discussion

Should be absolutely banned.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Relationships with Doctors

Relationships with doctors

Can be awkward, even though

You discuss the same old problems

Every time that you may go.

Yet if you have a physician

You have seen for many years,

All self-consciousness and tension

Somehow quickly disappears.


He’ll remember all your symptoms –

Be they serious or not –

And will take his time explaining

What you have or haven’t got.


There might even be some jokes about

Appointments in the past

And you realize that you’re lucky,

For such bonds so rarely last.


As my other docs retired

Or switched practices on me,

I feel grateful I’m connected, still,

To my same old G.P.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

New York Vibes

Whitecaps on the water,

Gentle cooling breeze.

Circle Line with tourists

And a lack of jetting skis.


Babies in their strollers,

Joggers on the run.

“Ice cold water!” seller,

Thinking summer’s not quite done.   


Trucks on nearby bridges,

Pigeons pecking ‘round;

Such a lovely afternoon,

Where New York vibes resound.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

The Jon Bon Jovi Rest Area

On the Garden State Parkway

In New Jersey state,

There are places to stop

To put food on your plate


Or put gas in your tank

Or prevent further grief

With a stop to the restrooms

To get some relief.


Certain rest stops are named

After locals of fame,

Since their monikers give them

A touch of acclaim.


One such area called

“Jon Bon Jovi” salutes

The adored well-known singer

With New Jersey roots.


I’m not sure if Bon Jovi’s

Possessed of a clue

That his namesake’s the place

People pee or they poo.

Monday, September 2, 2024

On Labor Day

On Labor Day, some stores are closed

And many catch a break

By getting paid for staying home,

No penalty at stake.


I guess it’s kind of strange

That this time off’s a welcome perk

For a day that honors workers –

That is irony at work.


But there always are some laborers

Who never get to stop,

Which includes those gals in labor

Who are just about to pop.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

City Prey

Early morning, someone screamed

By Gracie Mansion* and it seemed

A big white dog had found its prey

And grabbed a squirrel, lithe and gray.


The owner, frazzled, yelled and cried;

Her pleas for help were not denied,

For suddenly a man appeared

And found the proof of what I’d feared.


He lifted, by its fuzzy tail,

The squirrel, which did not prevail,

Despite its expertise and speed,

With running from a hunting breed.


The hero let a moment pass

Then tossed the body in the grass,

An ending many did observe

But even squirrels don’t deserve.


*the residence of the mayor of New York City