Friday, December 25, 2020

Christmas Day

I’ve never had a Christmas tree

Nor stockings filled with treats.

I’ve never gone to midnight mass

Nor hoped for Santa-meets.


I’ve never woken Christmas morn

With presents to unwrap

And no one in my household

Ever wore a stocking cap.


I’ve never eaten Christmas ham

Or fruitcake and to drink,

My sibs and I stirred rags for “eggnog”

In the basement sink.


But don’t feel bad for me because

I celebrated, too.

The holiday of Chanukah

Was what my family knew.


We had our presents and our foods

And candles every night,

With songs and family gathered ‘round,

Eight days of pure delight.


But still, today, I’d like to wish

Amid the bright displays,

To all my Christmas friends

The very merriest of days.

1 comment:

  1. i can't believe you remember eggnog in the sink! classic recipe!
