Saturday, September 14, 2013

For Every...

For every cup, a saucer;
For every hat, a head.
For everyone who’s tired,
Both a pillow and a bed.

For every book, a reader;
For every foot, a shoe.
For everyone who’s sad,
A chance to freshen and renew.

For every song, a singer;
For every play, a stage.
For everyone who’s trapped,
A key to open up the cage.

For every cut, a Band-Aid;
For every tear, a kiss.
For everyone who’s stressed,
A month when nothing is amiss.

For every bee, a flower;
For every breeze, a kite.
For everyone with things to say,
A chance to sit and write.


  1. really really good. every now and then one of your poems is like a finely cut diamond - this is one of those.
