Thursday, July 19, 2012

Expiration Dates

Staring at an expiration date I start to wonder
If I do ingest this, will it be a major blunder?
Many times I’ve taken pills way past the date they say
And, although they’re not as strong, they seem to work okay.

Condiments that stay too long most often taste just fine.
Snack foods only lose their crunch when they have crossed the line.
I have eaten candy that’s been on a shelf for years;
Though I’m quite neurotic, this does not give rise to fears.

Dairy products need no dates – one sniff and then you know.
I toss fruits and veggies when the mold begins to grow.
Still, there are some iffy things and then I must decide;
My gut and common sense combine and make a nifty guide.

Sometimes all this makes me think that life might be a breeze
If we were born with expiration dates, like milk or cheese.
Many folks would fill their finite lives and be much stronger;
I’d ignore my date and think I’d last a whole lot longer!

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