Saturday, March 10, 2012

Two Steps Forward...

Any time somebody wants to improve
There’s no shortcut to take to get better.
You do what you have to and make sure each move
Follows protocol down to the letter.

Perhaps you’ve been sick and you hope to get well
Or you might want to learn a new skill,
The road may be pot-holed and after a spell,
You’ll realize you’re slogging uphill.

Your progress is slower than you would expect
Though resolve’s not a trait that you lack;
But despite the desire you hope to project,
You step forward two steps and one back.

It’s frustrating, bothersome, vexing, unfair!
Advancement should be sure and steady;
But when there’s improvement, you’d better beware
For it doesn’t quite mean that you’re ready.

“May I?” we would ask, long ago, in a game,
“Take two giant steps forward? May I?”
“Yes, you may,” we were told, but it’s really a shame
That that answer was really a lie.


  1. for some reason, this makes me think you could be an heir to dr. seuss - ever think of writing a children's book not based on a fairy tale, but of your own creation? i bet you could do it and it would sell a million copies....

  2. it's funny that you say that, since dr. seuss has always been my inspiration. i think it's easier to write in his style (not my intention, although it sometimes comes out that way) than to come up with his ideas. thanks for the compliment, though! :)
