Monday, March 12, 2012

My Brother's Smoothie

My brother lives a health food life
In Colorado, with his wife.
Breakfast is a smoothie shake.
(I eat bagels, scones or cake.)

Should you want to join his ranks,
This is how – I need no thanks.
Place these items in the blender:
(You’ll be healthy, fit and slender.)

Start out with some chard or kale;
(Spinach, too, if it’s on sale.)
Add an orange (peeled, of course),
Pollen from a beehive source,

Lemon peel, some grapes, a peach,
Mango, kiwi – one of each,
Pineapple – just one fresh ring,
Some acai to add some zing.

Can’t find all the fruits he’s chosen?
Use some berries that are frozen.
If you have a real ripe pear,
Toss that in to give some flair.

One last item from your stash –
Spirolina, just a dash.
What that is, I have no clue;
But I’ll bet it’s good for you!

Press the button – your machine
Will mix it up and turn it green.
Drink it up, just like you should;
My brother swears it’s really good!

As for me, I think I’ll pass
On drinks that look like fresh-cut grass.
Also, other reasons lurk –
Making one is too much work!


  1. wow - i'm famous!! read it to max and he laughed. have to say, tho, that if you made a smoothie from all those ingredients - you'd end up with a 60 oz drink!! anyway, it's never green, usually reddish or purplish, and i timed it today, altogether, from start to finish, maybe 5 minutes. next time you come out here, i'll give you some in the morning and you'll go 'yum,' and spirolina is a green powder from a freshwater algae (no taste)...

  2. yes, you are famous! i thought it was called a "green smoothie," which is why i mentioned that it's green. oh well. i am curious to taste it, though, if you make it!
