Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Is there a cure for every ill?
Does comfort dwell inside a pill?
If you feel stuffy or congested
Will meds help you, when ingested?
When you suffer from a cough,
Some medicines make doctors scoff;
And if what ails is pegged as viral,
Pills won’t help that downward spiral.
Symptoms that resemble flu
May not respond to pharma-brew;
And if the culprit is depression,
Many meds make no impression.
If sleep evades you while in bed,
Some capsules make you eat instead;
And if you’re very agitated,
Dosages will be debated.
Side effects must be considered:
Certain drugs can leave you jittered
Or lethargic, fat, or worse –
Progress may slide in reverse.
It’s a tough one to decide:
Medicate or let things ride?
Ask your doctor, hear him, but
Ultimately, trust your gut.
That’s the counsel I would follow;
Then, good luck, if you should swallow…

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ilene. I have been reading your poems and I love them!! How do you think of all those things every day? I was going to write you an EMail but I don;t have your address.

