Sunday, November 25, 2018

The Bad Poetry Contest

In school, we had to memorize
A poem from time to time.
Of course, back then, most certainly,
It was a verse in rhyme.

Joyce Kilmer’s “Trees” was one of them.
For years I wondered why
The poet’s name was Joyce when
We were told he was a guy.

But I digress – for recently,
I read about a match
Where would-be poets vied
To write an awful poem from scratch.

It takes place at Columbia
And yes, it gets its name
From A. Joyce Kilmer, he of “Trees,”
His calling card to fame.

Professors pick the winner,
And the choices are diverse,
From all other contest entries
To find one which seems much worse.

I wonder what Ms. Klasowitz
Would think about a prize
Given to a poem as bad as that
She had us memorize!

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