Saturday, July 11, 2015

Wearing a Hat

A hat can hide a head that's bald
Or one with unwashed hair.
It often makes the wearer feel
That he or she has flair.

Protection from the sun or rain
A hat can, too, provide.
The wind won't get to tresses
When a cap's tucked them inside.

Of late, I've started sporting hats
Of many styles and brims.
I choose the one that matches
What I'm wearing or my whims.

The only drawback that I find
Is when I'm dining out
Or in the theater where no racks
Or closets are about...

I have no clue where it should go
Or what to do with it,
So through the show or meal
Upon my lap it gets to sit.

A tiny price to pay, I think;
We go the extra mile
And suffer just a little bit
To strut around in style.

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