Saturday, April 7, 2012

Making Memories

Every day we live might be
A day that we’ll remember,
Burning brightly just before
It fizzles to an ember.

How are we to know at first
Which memories will stick?
The choices aren’t ours to make –
The brain will search and pick.

An ordinary moment
Sometimes stands out from the rest.
Only time determines if
That flash will pass the test.

In our later years, perhaps,
We’ll look back at this day,
Remembering some magic tug
That held us in its sway.


  1. you assume, perhaps optimistically,
    our memories remain with us,
    as opposed to being like
    castles in the sand,
    that the ocean of time
    slowly washes away,
    until we stand on a smooth beach,
    knowing there was once some
    structure we'd created,
    now gone,
    an endless expanse
    of blankness
    that we know,
    in some way,
    was once our
    very lives.

    1. beautifully said, but sometimes those castles in the sand come back to us and we can remember exactly how we felt when we were creating them.
