Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Proof of Life

I get a letter every year

(First thought it was a goof)

That if I want my pension checks,

I have to send in proof


That I’m still breathing; if I am,

To prove it, I should mail

Two photos and a form, which I

Must forward without fail.


The form has basic into;

With my driver’s license scan,

It won’t be quite enough.

I’ll also need, as per their plan,


A picture of myself in which

I’m holding, so it’s clear,

A newspaper which shows the current

Day and month and year.


There must be scammers who,

From the deceased are on the take,

But a photo with The Times

Seems like an easy thing to fake.


Still, I sent what they requested

And I hope it will arrive

So the Board of Education knows

That I am still alive.

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