Saturday, October 5, 2024

A New Friend

Met a new friend on a cruise;

We shared many interests and views.

She doesn’t live far –

Couple hours by car –

But connections are easy to lose.


Yet she’s great about keeping in touch,

Often texting with greetings and such,

Then said she’d be nearby

And would love to say hi,

Which I told her we’d like very much.


So we spent a few hours today

Catching up in a most pleasant way;

Walked around and had lunch,

Which made certain a hunch

That this friendship might be here to stay.

Friday, October 4, 2024

The Graveyard

The graveyard has a spooky gate,

The tombstones spaced behind,

With skeletal remains arranged

That passersby could find.

Some ghosts pop out of windows,

Where they’ll still be at dawn

And you can visit all of this

On my grandchildren’s lawn.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

The Shofar from the Street

I rarely go to temple,

Though when New Year comes around,

I do not feel complete until

I hear the shofar’s sound.


Some synagogues stream services;

I listened for a while,

But the rabbi’s talk went on and on

And wasn’t quite my style.


I turned it off and went to sleep,

Yet while I calmly drowsed,

A noise disturbed my slumber

So I suddenly was roused.


It was a shofar from the street

And it was being blown

In the familiar rhythms

That, since, childhood, I have known.


My husband woke up also

To the blasts, both loud and clear,

Which, from right below our window,

Wished the world a sweet new year.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

A Fresh Start

Once a year, we toss our sins

And then we start out fresh.

I do it, even though my now-

And-then beliefs don’t mesh.


Traditions of the holidays

Are somehow still retained

Because, I guess since childhood,

They are very much ingrained.


Tomorrow, using pebbles

(Breadcrumbs can work just as well),

All my sins will hit the river,

Least as far as I can tell.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024


I have an appointment

To have a tooth yanked.

This lists pretty high

On the fears I have ranked.


So, natch, I am nervous

And needed a laugh,

Which has been supplied

By my better-ish half.


He told me – “Relax!”

As I work on my rhyme;

“You don’t have to leave yet

For tooth-hurty’s the time!”