Friday, August 23, 2024

Shopping in Stores

Sometimes in a store I browse

And other times I buy.

It all depends on what they’ve got

That might just catch my eye.

And even if I fall in love,

An item might not make it

For if I can’t display it,

There’s no reason I should take it.

Today, 3 times that happened -

Two with posters, one sans frame.

I just don’t have the wall space

So I couldn’t stake my claim.

The last, a set of tumblers,

Painted with assorted eyes,

Turned the concept of “eye glasses”

Into such a fun surprise.

Still, I had to stop and ponder

If the joke was worth the price 

And I came to the conclusion

That the mem’ry would suffice.

Yet I also made 2 purchases-

Some clothing and a gift

Which, along with pumpkin ice cream,

Gave my day a welcome lift.

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