Saturday, June 15, 2019

Two Shows

Friday night – my daughter sang
Her heart out on the stage
As one of the performers
With the talent to engage.

The show was free, the costumes cool,
The audience entranced,
With iPhones capturing it all
As actors sang and danced.

This afternoon, a different scene,
A well-oiled dance recital,
With tickets ordered from a site,
Bouquets of flowers vital.

My grandchild, not quite 4, performed,
Her outfit quite expensive.
For her 2 minutes on the stage
The training was intensive.

My daughter’s peers have special needs,
Their show a proud reminder
That those who cannot see their skills
Should be a little kinder.

The ballerinas worked hard, too,
The ticket-holders knowing
That every girl up on that stage
Would get where she was going.

I sat through both and clapped the same
While knowing in my heart
That more than just the ticket price
Did keep these shows apart.


  1. Thank you. This took me longer than usual to write - it was a bit surreal going to these shows back to back...
