Monday, March 26, 2018


In the orchestra of languages
Nobody would dispute
That French, with honeyed cadence,
Would be likened to the flute.

I pass a French school every day
And hear the conversation –
So smooth and silky that from English
It’s like a vacation.

The melting pot that is New York
Enables me to hear
A wealth of tongues all chattering
Into the atmosphere.

But only French has silvery tones
Like flutes when they are playing
And I enjoy the sounds although
I know not what they’re saying!


  1. we get a LOT of french families at the carousel for some strange reason - and i speak a smattering of it, and love to chat with them in my pidgeon french - mon dieu!

  2. even after a year of college french, i'm able to speak more pigeon than french, i'm afraid...
