Saturday, June 24, 2017

In the Course of a Day

In the course of a day, I am Nana and Mom;
I am Words with Friends player and wife.
I am visitor, shopper and cherished old friend,
All the threads that connect in my life.

In the course of a day, I am sister and niece;
I am crossword completer as well.
I am New York Times reader and drinker of beer;
I am rhymer (at which I excel).

In the course of a day, I am neighbor and, too,
I am stranger to most I pass by.
It’s a challenge combining my various selves,
In the course of a day, but I try.


  1. Replies
    1. awww, thank you! i'm usually not comfortable bragging about something, but what the heck - this is something i feel good about!
