Saturday, May 17, 2014

My Morning Walk

On my morning walk, I saw
A robin with a worm;
A yummy breakfast, I am sure,
But one that made me squirm.

I also passed an accident,
With no one really hurt,
But both cars bashed up bad enough
That police were on alert.

The ambulances showed up, too
And fire trucks as well,
So traffic on the F.D.R.
Became a living hell.

You don’t know what the day will bring –
Disaster or delight –
A ruined car, a traffic jam
Or quite a tasty bite.

Each morning is a mystery
And as the hours unfold,
We learn if we will smile or frown
With what the day has doled.


  1. Ilene....I read some of your poems/blogs. You are certainly talented and creative. I used to do Kundalini Yoga and found other people who shared your sense of creation. BTW, I used to walk to HS with you. I lived on E 51st just before Clarendon. I lived opposite Marla Fingeroth. We were all in the class of '67.

  2. You can reply to me, if you wish to at Ken LaPorte
