Sunday, June 2, 2013


Ninety on a test is great;
For weather, it’s too hot.
Everything is relative
And either good or not.

Ninety as a bowling score
Is really rather low.
Golfers would be mortified,
At least those going pro.

Ninety is what models weigh
To reap their dividends.
A ninety-pointer would be sweet
When playing “Words with Friends.”

Ninety dollars some might spend
To dine out on a meal.
Hotel rooms for ninety bucks
Would really be a steal.

Ninety’s sometimes wonderful
And other times, upsetting;
It’s ninety-plus degrees right now
And yuck! I’m really sweating!


  1. and here i thought it might be about someone turning 90 - never mentioned!

    1. nope - it was about the weather all along! once it hits 90, i'm not a happy camper...
