Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Lure

In ancient Greek mythology,
The Sirens lured you in;
And when you realized what they’d done,
All you felt was chagrin.

In modern life, the TV set
Performs a likewise function;
It sits right there where boredom
And inertia have their junction.

I spent a week without TV
And didn’t really miss it;
When you’re not in temptation range,
It’s easy to dismiss it.

But when, in your proximity,
The television looms,
It draws you, like the Sirens’ song;
Your focus it consumes.

You’re powerless to break its spell;
You simply can’t resist.
You long to run away and live
Where TV’s don’t exist.

But in this world, the challenge is
To give in just a bit;
Watch an SVU or two,
Then shut it off and quit.

It’s possible, I guarantee,
Especially in summer;
You flip the channels and it seems
Each show is quite a bummer.

So walk away, do something else,
And break that Sirens’ hold,
At least until the fall
When the new season is unrolled!

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