Sunday, November 22, 2009

Knit (dedicated to Aunt Sydelle)

A sweater that’s knit
By the hand of a friend
Or a grandma or aunt
Will most surely transcend
Any similar one
You can buy in a store,
‘Cause it’s knitted with love
By someone you adore.

So when you slip it on
And are snuggled inside,
Appreciate all
The emotion implied
By each stitch that contains,
Like a mystery’s clue,
A message of love
Just intended for you.

You can pay through the nose
For designer’s couture,
But a hand-knitted gift
Is worth oh, so much more!

1 comment:

  1. i still wear my aunt sydelle scarf every day in winter - and have a sweater that keeps me warm too. we'll never give away the tiny one she made for max....gems all.
