Wednesday, January 18, 2023

National Thesaurus Day

To honor Peter Mark Roget,

Whose birthday would have been today,

This date, each year, is set aside,

For his Thesaurus helps to guide,

Or lead, all those who opt, or choose,

To write, or pen, our thoughts or views.


My old Thesaurus, worn and frayed,

I’m sure (or certain) raised a grade

When an instructor did require

(Like every teacher who’d inspire)

Papers which, when all complete,

Did not have words that did repeat.


At minimum, or very least,

A synonym adds to the feast

Of parts of speech which we might know

To help vocabulary grow.

So thanks, Roget, for time you took;

I’m grateful for your word-filled book.


To me, it’s awesome, smashing, great,

Fantastic, glorious, first-rate,

Magnificent, divine, superb

(For adjective or noun or verb),

Amazing, super and sublime

And so much more that doesn’t rhyme!