Thursday, September 17, 2020

Tap Dancing on Zoom

My classes switched to Zoom

And so I thought I’d take a chance.

I dusted off my tap shoes and

Prepared to loudly dance.


But all the alte kockas*

Couldn’t figure out the tech,

While they fiddled with devices

From their kitchen, den or deck.


“I can’t hear you! I can’t see you!

Why are you not on my screen?”

On their laptops, phones or tablets

They could not get with the scene.


After more than half an hour

We could finally start to move

And, although my shoes were tight,

I danced and got into the groove.


My brushes and my shuffles

Weren’t crisp or cleanly done

Though I have to say I really

Had an awful lot of fun.


Still, I hope next week goes smoother

Since we’ve learned a thing or two,

So the sign-in should be faster

And my tap shoes will be new!


*old farts (loosely translated from Yiddish)

1 comment:

  1. no pounding on the floor from your downstairs neighbors, wondering what the clacking is on their ceiling?
