Thursday, January 9, 2020

City Starlings

Waiting for the light to change
(A busy urban street),
I noticed quite a gathering
Not far from my two feet.

Upon a sewer grate I saw
Some starlings pecking ‘round
Although I didn’t even
See a crumb upon the ground.

Their beaks dipped down, oblivious
To passersby or wheels,
Intent on filling up on what,
To them, comprises meals.

A couple flew away, replaced
By new ones in a flash,
Not plentiful as pigeons but
On city streets, as brash.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. the original title of this poem was "grackles on a grate," but when i googled to confirm that the birds i saw were, indeed, grackles, i discovered that they were starlings. poetic license only goes so far...
