Thursday, October 17, 2024

The Usher

A Broadway play, a matinee,

Two seats right on the aisle.

The highest row, but even so,

We both left with a smile.


The show was sad, yet we were glad

For every great performer

Was new to us and, as a plus,

What made us feel much warmer


Was meeting John, a paragon

Among all theater ushers.

He made us laugh, unlike some staff

Who only act as shushers.


It’s kind of rare to really share

An unforeseen connection,

But our good luck relied on pluck

And also, seat selection!

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

22,000 Steps

“The number of steps I recorded

Was 22,000,” she said.

It sounded like miles,

Which brought me some smiles,

‘Cause I measure mileage instead.


They next were discussing some money.

“Just Venmo it, then we’ll be square.”

I thought – what the heck?

I’d use cash or a check,

Since of Venmo I’m quite unaware.


Before they walked past, I heard “DoorDash”

And knew they were ordering food.

Why not shop in a store?

That’s what markets are for –

But I guess that’s an old attitude.


Certain changes I know can be helpful,

Yet for others I haven’t a clue

Why the tried-and-true ways

From the old-fashioned days,

Like with miles, just simply won’t do!

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Proof of Life

I get a letter every year

(First thought it was a goof)

That if I want my pension checks,

I have to send in proof


That I’m still breathing; if I am,

To prove it, I should mail

Two photos and a form, which I

Must forward without fail.


The form has basic into;

With my driver’s license scan,

It won’t be quite enough.

I’ll also need, as per their plan,


A picture of myself in which

I’m holding, so it’s clear,

A newspaper which shows the current

Day and month and year.


There must be scammers who,

From the deceased are on the take,

But a photo with The Times

Seems like an easy thing to fake.


Still, I sent what they requested

And I hope it will arrive

So the Board of Education knows

That I am still alive.

Monday, October 14, 2024

My Two Cents

For voters who sit on the fence,

Allow me to add my two cents.

If your rearing forbids

Nasty words by your kids,

Of one candidate there’s no defense.


If you’re childless, with maybe some pets,

Voting one way you’ll have no regrets,

Since when bullies are beaten

Who believe cats are eaten,

We can focus on climate and debts.


And for women, just think about Roe.

Let our ballots let everyone know

That when we get to choose,

Anti-female men lose

As our voting booth bodies will show.


This election will let us decide

If our country can cross the divide

To unite for a chance

For respect to advance

Or to mourn when democracy died.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

A Challah

A challah is a braided bread -

With butter, it’s delish.

It looks impressive when it’s whole

And waiting on a dish.

But when it’s time to eat it,

Many raise a bread knife - but,

It’s so much better with a piece

Ripped from the loaf - not cut.

I always grab a hunk this way;

Its texture, so enticing,

Is pillowy and soft and doesn’t 

Taste the same with slicing.

Here’s one more tip - some bakers 

Overstep and are quite brazen,

But to me, it is a shonda*

Eating challah filled with raisin.

*a disgrace 

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Growing Old

Growing old is very strange

For certain things are bound to change

And others you must rearrange

To fit the way you’re feeling.


Since doing things requires pep

And sometimes just that extra step

Or daily items you must schlep

No longer seems appealing.


It’s easier to stay in place

In home surroundings you embrace

Instead of slapping on a face

To prove how well you’re dealing.


Not everybody feels this way.

Some forge ahead and greet each day,

Excited for whatever may

Bring joy to reach the ceiling.


Yet I don’t envy those who go

From here to there or to and fro.

I look inside myself and know

There’s nothing I’m concealing.

Friday, October 11, 2024

A Plane is Soaring

A plane is soaring overhead

Against a bright blue sky.

I wonder who the people are

Who chose this day to fly?

Some relatives about to land

In time to share a meal,

On this eve before a holiday

Both somber and surreal?

Or some business folk returning home

From meetings out-of-town,

Reuniting with their families,

Looking just to settle down?

Or some tourists on a long-planned trip

To take in New York’s sights?

Or the crew and pilots, needing to

Unwind from all these flights?

I sit here in the yard, relaxed,

And gaze up in the air,

Just grateful that today I’m not 

Strapped in a seat, up there.