Friday, January 17, 2025

No Robert Frost

I know that I’m no Robert Frost;

I never claimed to be ‘im,

Yet that is not the reason why

I write a poem per diem.

The writing lets me tap inside

And reach my inner being,

Which, from the outside, no one’s really 

Capable of seeing.

It’s gratifying when I get

Some feedback on my rhyming,

Yet that’s not what I need to get

My self-assurance climbing.

It’s when I read back what I wrote

That fills me up with pleasure,

Though I might be the only one

Who sees it as a treasure.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Second Opinion

A second opinion may clarify things

Or possibly cause some confusion,

For doctors who do not agree will, no doubt,

Arrive at a different conclusion.


A patient must therefore decide who to trust

And to follow that recommendation,

Though when two so-called “experts” have differing views,

It makes sense to feel some hesitation.


It’s better, I guess, to have choices to make

And some down time before a decision,

For it helps to feel good with the doctor you choose

Way before you’re prepped for an incision.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Bagel Day

Hooray! Hooray! It’s Bagel Day!

Or so I’ve heard it said,

So substitute a bagel

For some ordinary bread.


Since many so-called “bagels”

Don’t have what it really takes

To be authentic, you may find

You’ve scarfed down lots of fakes.


Do not be fooled by circled dough

Around a center hole.

They must be dense and chewy

Like New York ones – that’s the goal.


Now other places have their fans,

(Hats off to Montreal!)

But some who serve a puffed-up version

Have a lot of gall.


To me, some seeds are needed -
Poppy, sesame and, too,

In pumpernickel, caraway,

And more than just a few.


A bagel’s a delicious treat

So eat it your own way,

But I need no reminding,

For I eat one every day!

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Ring Tones

When choosing a ring tone,

Make sure it won’t grate

On your nerves or turn into

A sound that you hate.


They vary from gentle

To jarring or shrill,

While doing the job

They’re designed to fulfill.


We snap to attention

When hearing our phone,

So its ring should be one

We accept as our own.

Monday, January 13, 2025

Our Two Cents

On my mothers’ group Zoom,

Six of us in the “room,”

We remember what we used to do

When our babies would cry

Or, asleep, how they’d lie

And what helped us, back then, to get through.


What made us reminisce

Was, with grandkids now, this –

Things are not done the same way today

And our children, all grown,

With some kids of their own,

Think that they know the only right way.


It’s amazing, as well

As annoying as hell

To be criticized rather than praised

When we add our two cents

And our kids take offense,

Since it wasn’t by wolves they were raised.*


In the future, I hope,

That our children can cope

With the new rules their own kids will set

And they’ll protest that, no,

That’s not how things should go!

As for us? Oh, they’ll quickly forget.


*Thank you, Harriet, for that line…

Sunday, January 12, 2025

A Variety of Hats

Throughout the years, my kids had

A variety of hats,

Along with all the books and dolls

And games and baseball bats.


A few were parts of costumes

Or vacation souvenirs,

While others served as props

For princesses or buccaneers.


Though most have long been cast away,

Some managed to hang on –

The pirate and top hats are here;

The cowboy hats are gone.


Yet still, I felt a little pang

When throwing out the trash

And there, with all the magazines

Was something from the stash.


A plastic Viking headpiece

With, on either side, a horn.

I have a photo of my son

From when that hat was worn.


It served its purpose and is now

Bashed up and way too small.

Though I felt sad to throw it out,

My son won’t care at all.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

A Booth

To tell the truth, I love a booth

When eating in a diner.

You can’t dismiss such coziness

As something you’d call minor.


For it is clear that atmosphere

Adds much to meal-time pleasure

And booth-type seats improve your eats,

At least the way I’d measure.


Be careful, though, for in your row

If someone leaves the table,

You’ll have to rise and leave your fries,

Their exit to enable.


Still, such a nit does not one bit

Make booths lose their attraction.

Their cool appeal grants any meal

A certain satisfaction.